To Outsource Web Design or Not to Outsource Web Design – That Is the Question

It is very common for people to generally consider the possibility of outsourcing their website designing and then through fear deciding no. This article will attempt to give you the knowledge you need to outsource your web designing in confidence. In terms of the economy it is an undisputed fact that there are fewer jobs, less many and therefore fewer sales. However this is only on a statistical level and if statistics have taught us anything it is that they Read More

Responsive Website Designing – A Primer

Technological advances never fail to overwhelm the masses and pose new challenges in the meanwhile. With a new mobile phone and tablet getting released almost every other day, creating a new website for every other resolution is not the solution. So, how does a designer or developer optimize the site for every possible resolution? Well, the answer is responsive web design! Responsive web design is not just a catchy slogan, but it is the new way of designing for the Read More