Essential Tips For Buying Bird Nests Wholesale

Bird nest soup is one of the nutritious delicacies in South-East Asia and some other parts of the world. If you own a bird nest restaurant, or you intend to buy large quantities, you need to understand how to identify authentic ones. The following are relevant tips on how to buy: Make up your mind on the type you want There are three major types of bird nests, and all are built by Swiftlets. Before you set out to buy, Read More

Virtually Speaking – Putting Your Best Self Forward for Virtual Meetings

Depending on when your community, company or country issued a stay-at-home policy, it could now be weeks or months now since you began working from home. Not surprisingly, the way you ‘show up’ to the world has also changed. As work from home commenced and communication switched to virtual conversations, most people maintained a level of professionalism when showing up for online calls. Fast forward a few weeks and corporate attire is now being replaced with T-Shirts, no shirts, shorts, Read More