The Wound

The wound is the place where light enters you, says Rumi. This is a very interesting topic and I feel more and more should be written on this. Most of us have experienced dark times in our life. There are times when we feel lost and sometimes we feel there is nowhere to go. These times leave us wounded and with deep scars sometimes for a long time. We feel the wound will heal with time, but we hardly know Read More

Fertigation – Fertigation Explained

Fertigation is a process in which fertilizer is dissolved and distributed along with water in your drip or spray irrigation system. There is abundant research available that supports the superiority of fertigation as compared to traditional fertilizing techniques. In order to get the greenest lawn possible and the healthiest plants and shrubs fertigation and micro-dosing is the way to go. Fertigation is becoming widely accepted in the industry due to the fact that a properly designed system will perform accurately, Read More