Learn About the Horny Goat Weed Side Effects

Horny goat weed is also known as epimedium, barrenwort, yin yang huo and xian ling pi. This is a leafy shrub and the leaves are a shape of a heart. The extract from the leaves of this plant is used to treat sexual dysfunction and other types of diseases. The legend states that a Chinese shepherd found an increased sexual activity among his herd after they had eaten the plant. There are a lot benefits that are advertised, but a Read More

Motivation IS the Key to Quitting Weed

Quitting Weed is easy if learn a few basic principles. Like the saying goes: "It's easy when you know how!" So what do successful quitters know that many people do not? Motivation IS The Key To Quitting Weed Motivation is often overlooked as a way of getting the things that we want. It takes motivation to do anything whether it's tidying up, going to work or quitting Weed. Everyone has a certain amount of motivation in order to get through Read More