Stop Smoking Weed – Tips to Quit Marijuana

Many people who decided they want to quit marijuana have no idea where to begin. This article discusses some simple steps you can take to begin the journey of quitting marijuana. Take the first step and set a quit date, then write it down! Set a Date to Quit Smoking Weed. The purpose of setting a quit date, is to allow yourself to get mentally and physically prepared to quit smoking marijuana. Your quit date should be an actual date. Read More

Can You Be Addicted To Weed? Weed Addiction Symptoms

Two of the most regularly asked questions by weed smokers and their concern loved ones who want them to quit marijuana are: Can you be addicted to weed? and What are weed addiction symptoms? Here are the answers to these common questions … The argument over whether marijuana addiction is a reality has grown in recent years, yet despite the fact that weed is the most widely used illic drug in the United States, scientific knowledge of marijuana addiction is Read More