The Weed Smokers Relapse Trap

Almost 90% of chronic weed smokers have failed at quitting smoking pot on their first attempt. This really does go to prove that weed is an addictive substance. Whether the addiction is psychological or a physical one, the source of the addiction doesn’t really matter. What does matter is getting over it! Relapsing can be devastating to your own self confidence and self belief. When you relapse, you end up saying to yourself that you cannot quit. After all, you’ve Read More

Understanding Weeds – But mostly How to Kill ’em

When I was a child, I loved to pick Dandelions. The pretty yellow flowers were small, colorful, and looked nice tucked behind my ear! However, if one had popped up in the front yard, my hair accessory would have been considered an atrocity! I often feel sorry for weeds. They are plants too. In fact, if you flipped through a botany field guide, you may be surprised at the plants you find classified as weeds! But simply put, a weed Read More