Aronia Planting Guide – Part I – Soil PH, Soil Needs, Weed Control, and Watering

Introduction Aronia Plants Are Nature’s Super Healthy Creation Aronia is a true Native American plant that is widely grown in Europe for fruit production. A native plant, developing in the North America ecosystem, Aronia bushes have adapted to grow in growing zones 3 to 7. It is a perennial, deciduous, self pollinating, self-supporting shrub. There are many advantages to growing an aronia plant on your property. It is a very ornamental and resilient plant. It is adapted to the natural Read More

Important Side Effects of Quitting Weed

Chronic weed use has been associated with many documented and undocumented effects on the human body. Smoking is the commonest way of marijuana consumption and since marijuana smoke is usually inhaled deep and retained for a significant amount of time, this can lead to chronic bronchial irritation. Apart from this feature the marijuana smoke contains over 400 different chemicals, some of which may be carcinogenic although concrete evidence linking marijuana use to cancer is lacking. Apart from this marijuana use Read More