Aquatic Weed Removal Tools You Will Need for a Lake & Pond

If you are a pond owner, one of the things that you need to take care of is the proliferation of the green habitat in your beautiful water body. Undoubtedly, their color might look attractive, but too much of their presence can create a difficult ecosystem underneath. Plants take away much of the sunlight, air, and water for photosynthesis and the fauna living beneath dies of suffocation. Apart from that, the green pond obstructs the path for swimmers because these Read More

Wild Edibles: Amaranth Aka Red Root Pig-Weed

Wild Amaranth or Red Root Pigweed Amaranth, or otherwise known as red root pig weed, is all over the place and is actually a very nutritious plant. You know them all to well if you are a gardener or crop farmer. As gardeners, we tend to fight the so-called weeds in our gardens or crops. Even in our lawns, many spend a lot of time and or chemicals trying to do away with pig weed. Why not just eat it Read More