Successful Women Entrepreneurs Today In A Competitive World

The successful female operated businesses know the meaning of a true business owner, “One who carries out to conduct a business assuming complete control and danger,” is not gender specific, it is not surprising that most entrepreneurs are men. Lots of women merely do not have the time to start a company due to the fact that women tend to undertake the greater share of raising kids and keeping the house together! I had the chance to interview a few Read More

Good Treatment Of Women Is Not An Option, It Is An Obligation

Violence against women in Latin America has recently been classified as an epidemic in the region, sexual violence is one of the main forms of violence, and the situation of women in the rest of the world is not very different. According to a report by the World Health Organization and data from the UN Women, “recent figures of the global prevalence indicate that one in three women in the world (35%) has suffered physical and/or sexual violence of a Read More