Sex With an Older Woman? 3 Unusual Tips for Making Love to a Cougar

Are you in a relationship with an older woman? Is there a woman at work you find incredibly sexy, and want to get to know a bit better? What do experienced women prefer in bed? Are there things that “older” women like when it comes to sex, that younger women don’t? Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like the millions of men who find older women incredibly sexy, this article was written with YOU in mind! Read More

7 Traits That Make a Woman Stand Out

With a lot of single women like you out there and most single men are already taken, the competition for single men is high. To succeed in dating, a woman should be capable of getting the attention of those single men. So what makes a woman stand out? She’s oozing with confidence. Take note, it is confidence and not arrogance because those are two different things. An arrogant person is someone who thinks she’s better than anyone else. A confident Read More