Relationships: Do Some Women’s Childhoods Set Them Up To Be Attracted To Abusive Men?

One thing a woman may find, when it comes to her relationships, is that she has the tendency to be drawn to men who are not very pleasant. As a result of this, she could struggle to understand what is going on. Due to the experiences that she has had with a number of different men, she may believe that she is a victim. There are then going to be men out there who want to cause her harm and Read More

How to Deal With Compliance Tests From Women

Guys who are in the modern dating game are more than familiar with what are affectionately known as tests. While they may be the bane of your dating life, they are still a necessary evil at least in the mind of many women. Have you experienced the test yet? If so how did you do? Would you like to know how to get past this line of defense every time? Stick around, and be prepared to be amazed! Why? The Read More