Can Increasing Your Sperm Count Make You More Attractive to Women?

What underlying factors, factors that we may not even be aware of, can make a man more attractive to women? Human attraction is a fascinating subject. For instance, did you know that a woman will be influenced by her father’s aftershave all of her life? That’s correct. A young girl who smells her father’s aftershave will create a “link” with that smell. After all, olfaction (smell) is the sense that is most closely linked to memory. Let’s say her father Read More

Portrayal of War and Women in Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Man

George Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Man is a drama revolving around the War between the Serbians and the Bulgarians. The story depicts Bluntschili, a mercenary for the Serbians being rescued by Raina the protagonist. Raina belonging to the prominent Petkoff family is also in love with Captain Sergius who is able to secure a massive victory for the Serbians at Silivinitza. The rest of the play takes place in the home of the Petkoff family. Bluntschili returns to the Read More