The Women in Professional Bass Fishing Today – Where Are They?

I had surgery last week and couldn’t fish or drive, so I was working on the website and talking to some friends on Facebook while watching some live tournament coverage, and the subject of why we don’t see many women fishing in professional bass events came up. It really made me think because I hadn’t paid as much attention to this as I should have. I decided to contact some old friends in professional bass fishing both male and female Read More

Why Does Chocolate Make Me Horny?

Ever noticed that chocolate is sold in the women’s clothing section in department stores? Ever wonder why? It’s because women crave chocolate. And that’s a good thing! Doctors have done many studies on the connection between chocolate and an increased sex drive in females. These studies reveal that women who eat some chocolate each day have a higher sex drive than women who do not. It was also found that not only do females have stronger sex drives due to Read More