7 Top Tips From the Business Woman of the Bible, Lydia, for Today’s Woman of God

Lydia was one of the most successful business women in the Bible. You will find her story in the Bible in Acts 16:14-15. According to Biblical records, Lydia was a business woman who dyed and sold purple cloth, a material used by the wealthy and elite of the day. This meant Lydia worked in a high-priced market with a high-end target market. But Lydia was more than just a woman who sold luxury goods to the elite and the powerful. Read More

Best Travel Accessories for Men and Women

THE NECESSITY OF TRAVEL ACCESSORIES Being planned for travelling is essential. If you forget one important thing, your trip could be ruined. Travel accessories are necessary for on-the-go problems that could pop up at any place and at any time. Essentials need to be packed along with necessary gadgets and exchange money to ensure that you are set for a trip abroad or a local one. Some essential travel accessories to be taken for travelling should be bought and ticked Read More