Semen Volume – Do Women Prefer Men Who Ejaculate More?

In addition to the question of penis size, many are surprised to hear that many men wonder whether or not women prefer men that ejaculate more. As it turns out, it is a culmination of several criteria that a woman either consciously or subconsciously utilizes to judge a man’s sexual prowess and whether they outright know it or not, women do take the amount of ejaculate that a man produces into consideration. Beauty and sex appeal standards are not as Read More

Women – How to Start Fishing As a Hobby

Once you have decided that it is a hobby you would like to pursue there are several ways that you can find access apart from free fishing off of jetties and piers. Google meetup groups and see if there are any fishing meetups in your area. If you let people know you are a beginner they are generally more than happy to offer advice on how to get started. Attend meetups, read up on basics (Google knows everything!), and watch Read More