The Symbiotic Relationship Between Men and Women

When living in an environment devoid of sexual stimuli (such as one without women) most men cease all forms of sexual activity. For example, the arousal cycle of men who are locked up in prison with no access to any kind of visual media (magazines, television and internet) grinds to a halt. This illustrates an interesting relationship between arousal and sex drive. A man’s sex drive may be triggered by his physical proximity to a woman. Men’s responsiveness decreases with Read More

How to Be Successful With Women

As the first of nine children, it’s fair to say that having a sister within a year of me has provided 37 years of ongoing insight and experience into interacting with women. In addition, my 20 plus years as an adult in the workforce have consistently revealed a self-perpetuating patriarchal mindset that asserts men are superior to women, denying them respect and justifying unfairness towards them. That’s something my sister has never submitted to, her inherent self-esteem and confidence dismissed Read More