How to Create Your Own Product 2 – Setup and Marketing Approaches

MODULE 1 CHAPTER 12 How to Create Your Own Product 2 – Setup and Marketing Approaches 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Objectives 3.0 Main Content 3.1 Definition of Business Model 3.1.1. Types of Business Model 3.1.2 Email Marketing (Freemium Mixed Model) 3.2 Experts and Friends Appraisals 3.3 Payment Processor 3.4 Traffic, Traffic, Traffic 3.5 Launching Your Product 3.6 Two Important Decisions 3.7.0 Selling on Your Own Personal Website 3.7.1 Benefits Be Your Own Boss Cashing in on Your Virtual Authority Read More

Discover Affiliate Marketing Niches and Offers

When I began working online back in 2013, I discovered affiliate marketing (AM) as the surest way to start a business online. I plunged into it and after months of “hard work” wondered why I wasn’t going anywhere. What were the others doing that I wasn’t? Unknown to me, successful affiliate marketers (AMers) chose niches because internet marketing is too large a market for a newbie to succeed in. This post is going to help you do exactly that. # Read More