Some Open Source Content Management Systems

With users spending more digital media time on mobile apps, enterprises explore innovative ways to keep their website visitors engaged, convey the desired message, and persuade them to buy. A content management system makes it easier for businesses to keep website visitors engaged by creating, publishing, and managing digital content efficiently. Many enterprises even use content management systems to create a collaborative environment where employees work and communicate seamlessly. At the same time, the themes, plug-ins, extensions, and modules provided Read More

UnBox Business Potential With Magento 2.0

Though it has been over 18 months since the arrival of Magento 2 yet it is still popular on behalf of its e-commerce friendly features that make it a preferred platform overall. It has the capacity of outranking its competitors like Shopify and WooCommerce. Here are some key features that boost my claim regarding the popularity of Magento 2 Performance Boost Improved performance in comparison to its previous version as fast as 20%. A fast website encourages users towards more Read More