How to Automate Blog Posts in WordPress

Very few people know about the incredible automation power inside of a WordPress blog. Blogs are an incredible tool to market your business on the internet. In addition, more and more people are utilizing the power of blogs to build internet businesses. You can write WordPress blog posts ahead of time and automate them to release at a certain date or time. If you’re new to blogging, you’re probably fairly familiar with the unenviable task of establishing an online presence. Read More

What Should An Ideal WordPress Hosting Provider Give You? More Than Just MySQL and PHP

The WordPress system is an integral part of the internet. There are numerous new websites which are being built on WordPress and have become more than just "blogs". WordPress has a minimum set of requirements if you want to host it yourself through an independent hosting provider (else you can use Although the list of minimum requirements are the absolutely bare minimum that you need to start a WordPress website, we recommend a little more. Here’s our list of Read More