7 Steps to Automate Your Online Business and Increase Sales

Today’s entrepreneurs care about being passionate about work and knowing that it has a larger meaning. As entrepreneurs, we like our work to make some impact and help to make the world a better place. At the same time, however, we like our work to be successful. Doing well by doing good. With the worst recession in decades in our rear-view-mirror, today’s entrepreneurs need to be extremely creative and do things efficiently. These 7 steps to automate your online business Read More

Home Security – Are Your Home’s Doors Break-in Proof?

Home security is fast becoming an important topic of concern here in America. As the economy worsens, the crime rate for burglaries and robberies is rising. The local news has stories almost daily of break-ins at homes and business in which the predominant method of entry is kicking in one of the exterior doors. Over the years I have spent as an insurance adjuster, I’ve been to at least a hundred homes to investigate burglaries and help the homeowners prepare Read More