5 Steps to WordPress Speed Optimization

This is the era of technology and the people’s attention spans are shrinking day by day. Therefore, the website load-time should be as quick as possible. Aside from increasing conversions, speed optimisation can offer a lot of SEO benefits as well. According to Google research studies, 53% of online searchers click away if a website fails to load within 3 seconds. And statistics show that websites take an average of 19 seconds to load on 3G devices. In this article, Read More

WordPress or Magento, Which Is Better for Development of an E-Commerce?

E-commerce has become the fashion of the era. Nowadays people go crazy while shopping via traditional brick and mortar stores. Both buyers and sellers don’t like to confront the hazards of trading in an open traditional market place. The common public love to sit at home and order their choices because online shopping sites offer far more options. To do these and to become a successful e-businessman you need a perfect content management system. There are varied sets of content Read More