9 Important Factors to Consider While Selecting a WordPress Hosting

WordPress has become an inevitable part of any blogger’s life. So, choosing the host provider for WordPress is as important as your blog. If you do not make the right choice, there are high chances that all your blogs/contents go in vain. Also, it is necessary that, you make an informed decision rather than just choosing it just because your friend chose it. We know that, almost every Host provider gives innumerable choices, resources and attractive packages. However, it is Read More

Does Your Business Need a Website Maintenance Plan?

So, your new site is complete – congratulations! There are a lot of moving parts to a build, from coding to design to content. However, if you want to attract and retain customers, you can’t have a “set it and forget it” mentality once the initial work is finished – marketing your business is not only about creating a web presence. It’s crucial that you make a website maintenance plan a priority for your small business. Here are 4 reasons Read More