Why Is Custom WordPress Development So Important?

WordPress is one of the most popular open source content management systems and is widely used for building feature-rich and easy to manage websites and blogs. Its user-friendliness, scalability, and flexibility have made it the hot favorite platform of millions of business owners as well as website developers. Cost-effectiveness is another reason why WordPress is so popular for website development these days. Currently, there are more than 1000+ free themes available in WordPress which you can select and install to Read More

Avoiding Disaster: Make Website and Business Asset Backups Mandatory

Do you have a backup of all your website and business data? A sudden attack on your web hosting or an employee error can cause havoc without warning. The same goes for any information about your business stored on your computer. If your computer suddenly got infected with a virus and you had to format your hard drive, it would likely have a big impact on your business. So what should you do to prepare for data loss? Is your Read More