Sex Toys: Good or Evil?

Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronize sex toy shops and the manufactures, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing Read More

Pews or Chairs for Your Church? How to Decide

We recently came across a statistic that claimed that nine out of ten churches today, when faced with the decision of whether to place pews or chairs into their new worship environments, are choosing chairs. While we cannot vouch for the accuracy of that statistic, we can certainly believe it. Based on our experience, it is accurate. Here are the main three reasons we hear from churches today for choosing chairs over pews for their new facilities. If you are Read More