Challenges Faced By the Praise and Worship Leader

Being a new praise and worship leader can be one of the scariest ministries in the church. It is not so much whether you can sing or play, but the very fact that you have to lead your congregation to a deep relationship and experience of the Lord can be a scary thing. Doing this with a group of talented and gifted people can also make becoming a new praise and worship leader terrifying! Challenge Number One Every church ministry Read More

What Does Worship Mean?

We have taken off aboard the Worship Airways and we start to glide through the air and also to live for worship, our first stop is going to be, what is Worship? It is an individual adoration of God; it is a one man’s band. As we yearn to learn all about we will start with defining what the term worship means. The Word “Worship” defies definition as it is too big a word to define or breakdown fully, for Read More