Worship Of The Obese

Primitive tribes in all parts of the world believed in animal sacrifice. Natural calamities were blamed on an angry god who had to be pleased, they felt the way to please an angry god is by offering that god a burning animal. The animal was usually a goat or bull. The animal was then carried to a high location, where it was burned alive. The smoke coming from the burning animal was supposed to wind up in the belly of Read More

How to Make Love to a Man and Make Him Worship You – Sex Tips to Become a Total Sex Goddess in Bed

Wouldn’t it be a real treat to just totally have your man worship you in the bedroom? There are women out in this world who have the potential to drive men crazy. These are the women that every man wants and that every woman wants to be. Finally, you can become this kind of woman for your man and for yourself. You want to know what it takes to make love to a man and make him worship you. To Read More