The Dynamics of Praise and Worship

Praise and worship is an expression of the love of God upon the life of men. It is an ancient practice which has evolved over the years with the use of modern instruments unlike those used in the past. Praise and worship makes glad the heart of God and it can practically open doors which have previously been shut against us. Each time we praise and worship God in spirit and in truth, the Devil become unhappy. He is angry Read More

Introduction to Easy Worship Songs

Worship or praise songs, also known as Contemporary Worship Music have developed over the past 50 years or so. These songs are mostly sung in protestant churches and are in most cases led by a church band, which use drums, trumpets and guitars. As the church grew and the need to reach more members arose, particularly the youth, new appealing methods were designed. These included developing youth-friendly programs. Such programs were aimed to give the youth a sense of belonging Read More