Giving The Glory

Jesus’ ministry was to glorify God. The Holy Spirit’s ministry was to glorify Jesus. To glorify means to honor and praise. Jesus’ message was to reveal God’s Word to the “chosen.” The Holy Spirit’s message was to reveal Jesus’ Word to the Believer. Jesus’ obedience to God’s Word brought honor and praise to His Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit brings glory and honor to Jesus by opening an understanding of the Word to the saints. When we speak, live, and Read More

Ethical Issues in the Pauline Epistles

Ethical Issues in the Pauline Epistles (Part 2) Introduction This article is a sequel to Ethical issues in the Pauline Epistles (Part 1) which dealt with such ethical issues as-Jewish and Gentile Christian relationship; and The believers’ conduct. Here, in part 2 of this same topic the discussion continues by taking on board such additional vital ethical aspects as- The Abuse of Christian liberty; Public worship; Household codes. The Universal ecclesia must have a clear attitudinal understanding of these issues Read More