Podcasting in a Time of COVID-19

We are in a unique time that this nation and the world has never seen in our lifetime. Government dictates of closing business, churches and social gatherings. Fear of personal safety. Staying in your own home and not even attending family BBQ’s or our normal family gatherings. Yes, this is a unique time in history. We are doing things most people never considered before. Businesses have moved online. Zoom and Skype meetings are now commonplace. Graduations are being held virtually. Read More

Playing As The Greeks In Rome Total War

By its name, you would think that playing as the Romans is the only thing you can do in this one of a kind PC game, Rome: Total War. However, there are many other factions you can play as too. This includes the Germans, Gauls, Britons, Macedonians, and the Greeks. This article will discuss how the Greek faction plays out and what’s the best strategy to win.You start out with maybe three or four cities to play with, which includes Read More