How to Choose a Best Digital Camera

It is rather a perplexing job for an amateur photographer to locate a suitable digital camera. Markets are flooded with various brands and models of the product but for a beginner it will be difficult to understand the significance of many a jargon associated with digital camera. Advertisements and product reviews appearing in the media can offer helpful tips in this connection. Getting acquainted with a digital camera is a gradual process. It is better to begin with a cheap Read More

Lenses in Photography – Should You Use a Prime Lens?

Zoom lenses these days are of such good quality that they are used by default. Most cameras in the market – even professional DSLR’s – are partnered with a zoom. But are they the best lenses to use? What about prime or fixed focal length lenses? A significant advantage of using prime lenses is that they offer you more involvement with your subject material. You have to move to frame the image rather than just stand still and use the Read More