The Pros and Cons of Online Therapy

Online therapy, mental health treatment conducted over the internet by a mental health counselor, has been an effective and convenient option for years. However, in these days of COVID restricted societies, it has become more of a necessity than an option, that has required a certain amount of adjustment for both clients and counselors. As a psychologist who has worked more than 25 years as a “traditional” face to face counselor, I was sceptic at first. Would the client and Read More

Cool and Useful Appreciation Gifts To Give During The Pandemic

Since March the majority of employees that can, have been working from home. While it might have been convenient at the beginning, it soon became tiresome. In the past the daily interaction with fellow employees served to connect people and keep a team spirit. Zoom meetings just don’t cut it. Employees need to feel appreciated to stay motivated especially when they are secluded in their houses. Customers that you used to drop in on, or take to lunch are also Read More