Tattoo Designs – Don’t Use Free Tattoo Design Websites, They Are Filled With Horrible Designs

Tattoo Designs – Don’t Use Free Tattoo Design Websites, They Are Filled With Horrible Designs

Getting a tattoo is spectacular. Getting a tattoo is about presenting your uniqueness. It’s about choosing that special piece of art and getting it placed on your skin so that everybody can see for many years to come. Unless you have a tattoo in a place where you don’t want people to see! In either case, getting the adequate tattoo it’s so challenging to come by. There are thousands of tattoo designs regrettably there are millions that are horrible. There are so many stock tattoos, tattoos that have been applied by so many people that it no longer is a unique tattoo. You don’t want to be perplexed in that position, its just not good.

An example of general tattoo design misadventure was when my friend Troy was considering getting a tattoo. I went with him to a tattoo studio downtown and they had hundreds of tattoo designs on the wall, so Troy picked about 6 of the wall that he thought was unmatched. Troy wasn’t sure what design he wanted. So he wanted to think about it.

The next day Troy, a few friends and I went clubbing. The guys and I were checking out all the girls at the nightspot, but not Troy. He was obsessed with anyone who had a tattoo in the nightclub, man or woman. When he detected someone with a tattoo he would get closer to get a better look, so he can get more ideas on what design he wanted to pick out. Mind you, he already narrowed it down to a couple of designs.

What he noticed throughout the night is that many of the tattoos designs that he saw were very look-alike and were pretty much copies. While making small talk with a few tattoo bearers, he asked where they got their tattoos. He got a list of six tattoo parlors from about a dozen different individuals. The following day he went to these tattoo parlors. He noticed that most of these tattoo studios had similar if not the same designs in their books and walls. Troy was really frustrated because he realized that no matter what tattoo he got in town other people already had that tattoo. So Troy wanted to find an alternative.

Troy went online to hunt for tattoo designs. What he discovered was shocking. Most designs on-line that were specified as popular, cool, hip or awesome were in fact tired designs that have been circling on the web and different tattoo studios.

Then Troy discovered various internet sites which required a membership to join. This is where Troy genuinely liked what he found out. According to one web site they only supply designs that are different and are originally produced by a tattoo artist who only uses this design in their own single tattoo shop. It was like a network of artists who realized that tattoos are to be different. That’s why they exclusively use it in their own shops and never gave these designs away to any other shop. They only give their designs to this membership internet site so that only a few people can get these designs. This then maintains their appreciated designs different and rare.

Troy has utilised this site for a couple of months now, and he loves it. There are so many designs that it took him days to at long last choose one. He actually now has three overwhelming tattoos on his body. They’re pretty unique and I’ve never found them, nor has Troy, on anybody else.

So you really want to get a unique tattoo join a membership based tattoo design web site. This is the only way to make sure you’re tattoo is not cloned my the masses and ensures that your tattoo is unique.