The 3rd Rule of Anger – Process it Using Three Techniques

The 3rd Rule of Anger – Process it Using Three Techniques

Although you do want to experience your anger fully, you don’t want it to take you over and contaminate your actions. Anger can be an intense emotion. You may very well feel propelled to lash out or take some other action leading to undesirable consequences. Instead…

The 3rd Rule of Anger: Process your anger instead of reacting to it.

Use any or all of the following three techniques:

Technique #1: Defuse your anger, using:

  • Breathing: Take a few slow, deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing
  • Visualization: Imagine yourself at the beach or by a lake or anywhere that makes you feel calm and peaceful
  • Self-Talk: Keep telling yourself:
    • Calm down.
    • I don’t need to prove myself.
    • I’m not going to let him/her get to me.
  • Try other thoughts/actions that have calmed you in the past

Technique #2: Learn to talk about your feelings. For example:

  • Involve a third party (e.g., spouse or friend) as a sounding board
  • Write an angry letter (that you don’t necessarily mail)
  • Use an empty chair – imagine the person at whom you’re angry is in the chair and vent

Technique #3: Choose a constructive means to purge your tension:

  • Exercise, sports, games – expend that adrenaline non-violently
  • Relaxation, e.g., deep breathing, massage, hot bath, gentle music or nature sounds
  • Take a time out
  • Channel your anger into appropriate protests, e.g., M.A.D.D. [This option is great for righteous anger – use it to change the world (or your corner of it) for the better!]

How do you process anger?

See our other articles on Anger Management to learn about the four other rules and about the two ways many people violate those rules (by stuffing or escalating their anger).