The Alpha Male – Learn to Be the Apex Predator of Your Local Club or Bar Scene

The Alpha Male – Learn to Be the Apex Predator of Your Local Club or Bar Scene

If you want to be attractive to women you need to stand out. One of the main ways to do this is to stand out. In nature the Alpha Male is really the king of his niche. He is the top dog and the chief. 200 years ago being an Alpha Male as a human likely needed the same requirements. You had to be a big and bad SOB. Read on to find out more…

These days those requirements have changed. You do not need to be the biggest and toughest. What you do need is to be PERCIEVED as a leader or an expert in some area. This could be because of intelligence, wit and humor, natural leaderships ability or even because you actually are the biggest and baddest SOB.

The important thing is that you don’t have to be a tough guy anymore to be an Alpha. You do need to have something that is not always easy to get. That is called charisma. Charisma is the factor that generally draws people to like you and appreciate you. It is attraction on a grand scale and big for being an Alpha Male.

Being charismatic consist of numerous little things, the all combine together for a complete package. Intelligence and wit are important, being smart but also funny with ready quips available. This is the “New Alpha” backhand; someone encroaches your territory rather than attacking them physically you put them down or poke some fun at them to put them in their place, which as Alpha, has to be below you.

Along with wit and intelligence you must be a leader. A leader is someone who people look up to. You are to an extent, inspirational. Though you must always be in charge, you will help people around you and exhibit caring and thought for the people that follow you. It is a two way street based on loyalty. It is hard to display leadership around people you do not know, but when you are a leader there are many subtle cues people will pick up on and understand.

Of course physical presence helps in seeming to be an alpha male. I am not going to lie and say that being 6’5″ with 30″ biceps won’t make people naturally defer to you a bit. It will. But a guy 5′ 7′ weighing 150 pounds can also portray a decent physical presence and be a alpha male. Mainly it is about your body language and the way you carry yourself. You need to do it in a self confident and assured manner. Walk with your head back and chest out. One of the most intimidating people I have ever met was a drill instructor from my time in the armed services. He was a good 4-5 inches shorter than me but one of the only people who ever made me scared by his simple presence. And he had a way of carrying himself that made you think he was 7 feet tall and 400 pounds of muscle. It is all about carriage. Once you get that down having charisma and being an alpha is easy.