The "Bath-Beer" Is On Sale In Czech Republic

The "Bath-Beer" Is On Sale In Czech Republic

Chodovar brewery, located nearby the famous Marianske Lazne resort, has put an unusual kind of on the market – “Bath-beer”. The alcoholic content of the beer is 10% by volume and it is produced in 1.5 litres bottles. This beer, indeed, is used for taking bath and spa procedures.

A bottle of such beer costs only 75 Czech korunes (less then 4 Euro). For this price you can feel as you are at the real beer resort – which really exists in the Hodova Plana city, where Chodovar family brewery is located.

There are seven huge bath and basins in Victorian style in the rebuild basements of beer cellars, where guests may swim in the refreshing liquid and also enjoy a beer massage, beer pack and beer cosmetics.

Precisely, beer resort offers worm mineral bath with different dry virtuous herbs and hops, including unique dark bath-beer with rejuvenating characteristics of brewer’s yeast. For a stronger effect of the procedure guests are recommended glass of an exceptional non-pasteurized “Aged rock cellar” beer with brewer’s yeast, which positively effects on gastrointestinal tract.

“Bath-beer” relaxes muscles, worms up joints, has skin and hair cure effect, and also has a rejuvenating effect. But if you don’t need such procedures, you can always drink and enjoy bath beer as usual one.

The appearance of Chodovar brewery building has remained unchanged till now. Since 1862, it has been running and has been carrying on the traditions of the local brewery, founded in XVI century. Nowadays, manufacturing of the famous local beer is about 90,000 hectolitres per year. Since 1992, Chodovar had become limited liability company. The Plevcov family is at the head of Brewery.

Family brewery has reconstructed the unique broad rocky cellars and at 1 May 2000 it was opened for visitors as medieval beer pub and museum. Due to this reconstruction, the image of “good spirit” of the local rocky cellars-dog Alybi was returned at the brewery crest.

Family brewery in Hodove Plana is manufacturing malt, beer and fills mineral water into bottles. Also different cultural events take place at the brewery, for example annual beer festivals. The championships of rolling-over oak beer tunes are taking places in Czech Republic. This is a traditional championship between brewery teams which is held on annually since 1930.