The Bible, Farmers Almanac, and Prophecy

The Bible, Farmers Almanac, and Prophecy

The connection between The Bible and Farmers’ Almanac is obvious, isn’t it? As for me, I love these two books because of their prophecy. Let me quickly explain.

You see, over the years that I have used the Farmers’ Almanac for the weather predictions, it has been at least as good, if not better, than the regular TV news weather predictions. And on REALLY good days, it can be so much better.

In fact, at times I have chosen to do or not to do certain outdoor activities based on the Farmers’ Almanac weather predictions. This gave me some advantage over other people.

Of course the Bible, being God’s Word, is a lamp unto my feet. So that never fails me. Though I fail God from time to time. You can relate to that, huh?

So when these two books have guided my daily activities, I had such confidence. It felt so wonderful to get up in the morning and know that I had an advantage over most others.

When I was a child, my brother and I had a toy car that looked like a drag racer. It had a simple, gas powered, compression engine. You never knew if the engine would turn over on the first attempt or the 20th. That is pretty much how it is with a man made work such as the Farmers’ Almanac.

But the Bible is God’s Word and it always works. Unfortunately, my faith or understanding is not always reliable. So over time, I have learned to use certain techniques, teachings, and tools so that I can have a closer walk with God.

And experience greater prayer results. More peace and confidence.

I said earlier that these two books contained prophecy. Some of you might have thought I was saying that they both talked about end times events. For that is the common understanding of the word “prophecy” to many Christian and non-Christians alike. As you know though, that is not the only meaning of the word as found in the Bible.

The other Biblical meaning of the word “prophecy” can refer to statements of how God feels about a certain person or persons. Good things that God wants to do for His children. For example, God said to you and I, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. Jer 29:11 KJV

When God says something to you, or reveals something to you, in your own devotion times or throughout the day, that is God speaking to you. When he reveals the same thing, for example, to you via another person, then that is prophecy.

God has given His people 5 different tests to use so we are sure that such prophecies we get are indeed from Him. Then it is up to us, as receivers of prophecy, to use them in the right way.

For me, this example of prophecy is personally more useful in the here and now. BUT, understanding and obeying the words of the book of Revelation carries with it a unique blessing that can’t be beat. It takes more work trying to understand all the symbols and such in the book of Revelation. I guess that is just the price one pays to get that blessing.

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