The Big Noob Guide to WoW Gold

The Big Noob Guide to WoW Gold

There is not really all that much difference between a new player in World of Warcraft and an average WoW player. The game itself is pretty good at teaching a completely new player all that he needs to know to progress in the game and eventually reach the level cap.

What World of Warcraft is really bad at teaching new and average players alike, is how to be an advanced player. WoW relies almost completely on players interacting with each other through guilds and parties to learn the advanced tricks. Learning how to raid, where the best places to farm are, and how to make gold are learned through interacting with other players.

Unfortunately, many of the players in guilds are average players themselves, especially when it comes to earning gold. If you want to learn to raid well, you join a top raiding guild. But if you want to learn to make gold, who do you join? There are no top gold making guilds as far as I know.

So really, most players are left to work out how to make WoW gold for themselves. That’s not an ideal situation because there is so much to know, lots of secret tips, and lots of traps for the unwary.

I’ve written this little guide to help new players in the lower levels to make enough World of Warcraft gold to easily afford their first mount by the time they reach the appropriate level.

After you create your new player character, get yourself to level 6 and leave the starting zone. Head to your racial city.

Then pick two gathering professions. Don’t pick a crafting profession other than cooking. Crafting professions are expensive to train and will cost you gold. If you are so inclined wait until you reach the level cap and have a lot of gold. Also if you can afford it, train fishing.

You have three choices for the gathering professions. These are mining, herbalism, and skinning. I suggest you pick skinning and one of the other two. This is because you can only track one resource node at a time, and you skin what you kill. It doesn’t really matter what resource you pick. Mining provides ore and gems for blacksmithing, jewelcraft, and engineering. Herbalism gathers herbs for Alchemy. Both are in high demand.

The next step is to create an alternate character, also known as an alt. This can be any race of the same faction that you are playing, Horde or Alliance. Get your alt to the home city, don’t worry about leveling it up, just be careful on the run there.

At this point log in to your main character and head back to the level 6 zone. Now as you adventure, make sure you stop at every node and harvest it. Skin every beast you kill. You should also level up your fishing at ponds and rivers.

When you have enough stacks of resources, find a mailbox and send them back to your alt. Send him to the Auction House and put the resources up for sale. First check the what the resource is selling for. You don’t want to sell for less than you can get.

You will find that some players undercut you. At the early stage try and be competitive, but when you have enough gold, buy out the low priced auctions and re-list the goods at the higher price.

Do this and before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to buying your first mount.

Of course, this is only one of many tips that will help you make gold. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information available in a multitude of Warcraft gold guides. One of the best of these is Warcraft Millionaire.