The Biography of Mikhail Gorbachev

The Biography of Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev was born on 2 March 1931 in Stavropol Krai. He came from a Ukrainian-Russian family. He lived with his family in a small village where his father worked as an agriculture mechanic. As early as 14 years old, he started to work as an assistant in combining harvest workers. He was a hardworking boy by that time and got awarded with several recognitions to appreciate his efforts.

In 1950, he studied in Moscow State University and graduated with a degree in law. Since schooling, he actively joined Communist Part of the Soviet Union as communism was one of his favorites. He met his wife, Raisa Maximovna Titorenko in Moscow University and both of them got married in year 1953. He graduated in year 1955 and then both of them shifted to Stavropol. Two years after shifted to Stavropol, they got a cute little daughter named Irina Mihailovna Virganskaya.

In year 1962, he was selected to hold a position in Stavropol Communist Party. He was then responsible to take care of people in farms and industry. At the same time, he was managing the administration department as well. Having a degree in law was just insufficient for him. Mikhail Gorbachev took the initiative to get a second degree in agriculture field by studying in Stavropol Agriculture Institute.

Due to his active participation and enthusiasm in communism party, he was then elected as the First Party Secretary of the Stavropol Kraikom in 1970. In 1974, he was appointed as the First Secretary to the Supreme Soviet and later in 1979, he was a member of the Politburo. He was the General Secretary of the Communist Party since 1985. When he was the General Secretary, he met a lot of leaders from different countries and managed to build a good relationship with them. He was respected by most of the leaders especially his unique way of thinking and his humble and friendly attitude.

After four years being the General Secretary, he was appointed as Executive President of Soviet Union by the parliament. His efforts and determinations continue as a communist. He resigned as soon as communism met their failure in 1991. After resignation, he built his own party called Social Democratic Party of Russia to gather all Russian democratic parties into a family.

All of these were the chronology of his life. He was a great and respected man in his life. His enthusiasm and passion in Communist Party will be remembered forever.