The Brutality of Constantine Who Established Christianity

The Brutality of Constantine Who Established Christianity

Historians gloss over his violence and the murderous history that led to the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church in 325AD. On the death of his father Constantine seized the purple (the robe of a Caesar) and rode with his army to annihilate the entire armies, families, and supporters of at least 2 other Caesars who fell under his sword and which included members of his own family. The year before the organisation was brought into existence he had his eldest son, Crispus, murdered on the rumour that he had debauched his mother-in-law.

Constantine had a plan from the beginning, according to some contemporary authors, that included sole rule of the huge Roman Empire. At the time of his rise there were five rulers and in just a few short years he had achieved his goal.

What stood in his way was a satisfactory way of controlling the many nations under his rule that had offered a series of rebellions and sabotage to his predecessors. With a variety of languages, religious beliefs, and cultural differences that existed from Britain to Persia and across North Africa he saw just one way of achieving it. Like the Macedonia king Alexander before him he saw religion as the answer.

By making everyone worship the same gods and through the parliament of Bishops he set up in the Vatican, which he built, he organised priests to do the work for him. They knew and understood people in their localities and they were able to suppress and dominate in ways that no emperor could achieve.

He invented Jesus Christ as its Saviour and positioned the Mother God of Babylon, Mary, in it as the Mother of God. This started a conspiracy that has given his religion the power to spread its dogma and subdue nations throughout the last 1700 years. It brought about the Dark Ages and through its many raids and brutality, such as the Inquisitions and Witch Hunts, it has emerged as one of the most dominating forces reigning over humanity.

Its influence is felt in parliaments around the globe and the effects of climate change and over population can be laid squarely at its doors. Constantine is 666 according to the bible and his work does not only involve one religion but the many branches that emerged from it.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image… should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 14:15