The Dangers Of Trump’s Mixed-Messages: 5 Examples

The Dangers Of Trump’s Mixed-Messages: 5 Examples

It’s often been said, one of the most meaningful, relevant necessities of any public official, is earning the trust, from, both those, he serves and represents, within this country, as well as how he’s perceived, on the international stage! One of the essential aspects/ components, is, most of us, seek a high degree of consistency, rather than inconsistency, in the message, these people provide, and articulate! Perhaps, unlike any time, in recent memory, we have witnessed, since the election of Donald J. Trump, to the office of President of the United States, someone, in that position, who, consistently, articulates a mixed – message, which is often confusing, and disconcerting! With that in mind, this article will briefly examine, review and discuss 5 examples of this, and the potential harm, it creates.

1. Health reform: During his campaign for the office, Trump, often, articulated a somewhat, simplistic, uninformed, overly rhetorical message, which claimed, he would improve health care and insurance, making it, much better, and less expensive. Once elected, he said he never realized, how complicated, doing so was, which, in, and of, itself, should be concerning! When the House of Representatives, approved their proposals, first, he celebrated with them, and, then, said, he hoped the Senate would approve something, which was less mean! These proposals were not truly health reform, because they did nothing to reduce costs, or improve delivery of services. Again, this was rhetoric, over policy!

2. Tax reform: While, both as a candidate, as well as. after his election, he proclaimed he would create a tax reform program, which lowered taxes, like never before witnessed. Although some might benefit, slightly, initially, others will not, especially, those from states, with higher local taxes. In addition, the vast majority of these tax breaks, go to larger corporations, and the wealthiest 1%, and, while Trump articulated a victory for the middle – class, the actual legislation, was far more, Welfare, for the wealthiest!

3. Intentions towards CHIPS, and DACA: President Trump has often articulated a message, where he proclaims, he cares about health care for the neediest children (CHIPS) and the so – called, Dreamers. However, if we believe, actions speak louder than words, it’s concerning, he has used these necessities, which polls show, the vast majority of Americans support, and approve of, as pawns, to negotiate to get the funds, for his Wall!

4. Immigration/ wall: While most would agree, we need to address the public’s safety, and the threat from terrorism, Trump’s articulated message, seems more focused on rhetoric and vitriol, than viable solutions. He continues to emphasize his wall, and his recent statement, where he said, he was open to a path to citizenship, for the so – called, Dreamers, but binding that, to Congress approving a large expenditure, for that wall!

5. Personal integrity: After witnessing this man’s behavior and rhetoric, why would anyone believe, what he says? He has compromised his personal integrity, by resorting to numerous lies and misstatements (Fact – checkers state he has lied over 5 times per day), and, rather than introducing well – developed, viable, relevant, sustainable solutions, consistently resorts to blaming and complaining.

President Trump has polarized this nation, to a degree, never previously witnessed! When one’s message is blurred, and contradictory, everyone suffers and loses!