The Future Of Our National IDENTITY: Factors To Consider

The Future Of Our National IDENTITY: Factors To Consider

It seems to have passed that time, when we must accept the fact, the present occupant of the White House, creates, far more than, merely, either, an inconvenience, or present threat, but rather, an inherent risk to the longer – term, IDENTITY, of this nation! What is America, and what will come to our beloved, United States, if/ when, we don’t do, everything possible, to thoroughly, seriously, protect, all the freedoms, justice, and liberties, which make us special and unique, and demand, each and every, Constitutional guarantee, is thoroughly, respected and honored? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, we must ensure we protect it, today, so we might still enjoy these unique rights and privileges, into the future.

1. Integrity; image; issues: Rather than permitting, individuals, with personal/ political agendas, who prioritize their self – interest, over the common good, we must demand genuine integrity from our elected leaders! Demand, issues be discussed, with common sense, instead of empty rhetoric, and populism! Consider our image, in the rest of the world, so we can continue to be, the voice, and proponent for human rights and protections!

2. Delve deeply; discover: Forget simplistic approaches, and begin to delve deeply, into the relevant, sustainable options, and discover, a better, more – needed, approach!

3. Empathy; emphasis; endurance; excellence; energize: Make your voices matter, and ensure officials, effectively listen, and learn, so they proceed with the utmost degree of genuine empathy! This must direct their emphasis! It may be challenging, so elect people, with the endurance, to energize, in a positive way, and seek the utmost degree of personal excellence, in their service, and representation!

4. Needs: Leading our nation, should be, all about needs, rather than negativity, and polarization. Either we protect all our freedoms, or lose our way!

5. Time – tested: Experience, and learning from it, and becoming better, means proceeding, with a time – tested, proactive, forward – looking, leadership!

6. Imagination; instincts: We don’t need, the same – old, same – old, ideas, but rather, leadership from people, with focus, and a meaningful, relevant, sustainable, imagination! Our elected leaders must possess the instincts, to make a difference, for the better!

7. Trust; truth; timely: We all benefit, when we elect people, who earn our trust, by telling the truth, and proceeding, consistently, with well – considered, timely leadership!

8. Yes: Instead of the present scenario, where we are witnessing, polarization, and negativity, we need, to elect individuals, who are ready, willing, and able, to say, yes, to the possibilities, and bring us, together, for the common good!

It’s past the stage, where we should simply accept, the status quo, but, rather, we need to begin, to emphasize, the future of our national IDENTITY! Wake up, America, and demand, leaders, make us, be, all, we can possibly be!