The Greatest Salesman In The World – 10 Lessons for Networkers

The Greatest Salesman In The World – 10 Lessons for Networkers

The Greatest Salesman In The World- 10 Network marketing Principles.

As people we appear to be becoming more hard nosed and distrusting every day and it is actually a terrific privilege to find a person who can break right through the outer layer of crust and communicate immediately with our hearts.

Certainly Og Mandino is one of these infrequent people, and his signature essay “The Greatest Salesman in the World” is one of the best selling books in history.

In reality the central theme of the article, is that as individuals we must repeatedly strive to surmount the negative and self defeating self images we hold and rather than let our knowledge habits develop our life, instil new preferred habits that will create the lifestyle we want.

For the majority of individuals the combination of the academic pattern and cultural rearing has caused a poor self- image and low self-esteem; as the sub-conscious mind will obtain precisely what we ask for ( by means of manifesting our most prevalent thoughts) is it any wander we obtain only a fragment of what we are capable?

Discovering himself an alcoholic, and on the threshold of suicide, Mandino discovered self-help and motivational books. After an extensive and detailed examination of the frame of mind he committed his views to paper and in so doing undoubtedly impacted the lives of millions, his books having sold upwards of 50 million copies, and been translated in 25+ languages.

We directly burden ourselves with our own limiting thoughts and in an endeavor to undo the damage, Mandino explains the distilled wisdom of the ages into 10 laws (scrolls).

He recommends studying each scroll, three times a day for 30 continuous days, the logic being to by-pass the conscious mind, supersede our bad habits with beneficial ones and in so doing enhance our low estimation of ourselves (self-esteem).

Yes this appears simple enough, but it is a 10 month commitment, and by holding fast to the task a further useful habit is developed: self discipline.

These 10 laws in essence are basic and common sense, but if read aloud (as suggested for the 3rd reading of the day) they resonate, deep within, and an intuitive knowledge of the point is known.

As an overview of the essential meaning in each scroll:

Scroll I: Today I begin a new life

Scroll II: I will greet this day with love in my heart

Scroll III: I will persist until I succeed

Scroll IV: I am Natures’ greatest miracle

Scroll V: I will live this day as if it is my last.

Scroll VI: Today I will be master of my emotions

Scroll VII: I will laugh at the world

ScrollVIII: Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

Scroll IX: My dreams are worthless; my plans are dust (unless)…I act now.

Scroll X: I will pray for guidance.

For the person who is faithful in their quest for advancement, the employment of Mandino’s 10 month plan may appear painful, but it is a liability which will repay manyfold the endeavor and control required to finish the task.

If, in the bedlam of life you miss a day, don’t beat your self up just start the complete approach again.