The Huge Benefits of Controlling Inflammation Are Good Health and a Long Life

The Huge Benefits of Controlling Inflammation Are Good Health and a Long Life

A 2004 Time story called inflammation the “Silent Killer”. And it’s true that the benefits of controlling inflammation can lead to a long and healthy life.

Studies show inflammation is linked to most if not all chronic diseases. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even allergies are linked to chronic inflammation which can lead to an early death.

But a simple supplement like omega 3 fish oil pills can make sure you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy and control your inflammation.

Listen to this study, Harvard found that a nutritional deficiency is linked to between 63,000 and 97,000 preventable American deaths a year! These early deaths were attributed to a lack of omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have 60% or more of these nutrients.

Americans are notorious for being deficient in these essential fatty acids. But, the truth is, getting more of them in your diet can reduce your inflammation. And, long term inflammation control can help you live a longer, healthier life.

There are many health benefits of controlling inflammation. But one of the biggest benefits is a healthy cardiovascular system.

The American Heart Association recommends people get more omega 3 fatty acids to lower inflammation. It works like this. The omega 3’s prevent plaque build up in your arteries so you don’t get clogged arteries. They also regulate your heartbeat so you don’t risk dangerous irregular rhythms which can lead to a sudden heart attack.

Studies show they may also reduce your cholesterol and your blood pressure too.

Fish is a great resource of these essential fatty acids and recommended by cardiologists and general practitioners everywhere for their health benefits, including controlling inflammation.

One Harvard researcher found that fish oil supplements were the only dietary supplement that consistently is found in clinical trials to prevent cardiac death.

Fish oil supplements are an excellent way to get the nutrients you need. Make sure you get ones that have high levels of EPA and DHA. These are the omega 3’s you especially need in them. You’ll also want to make sure you get ones that have been purified.

Some fish swim in polluted waters and can have high levels of mercury and PCB’s in them. Fish that swim in clean, pure waters are best.

1000’s of doctors recommend omega 3 fish oil supplements to reduce inflammation. And the benefits of controlling inflammation can be none other than a longer and healthier life.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of controlling inflammation with omega 3 fish oil, please visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.