The Importance of Eye Contact In Seduction and Dating

The Importance of Eye Contact In Seduction and Dating

When meeting women, eye contact is one of the big give away signs whether you’re truly confident and really a guy she wants to get to know. Strong eye contact signals that you’re comfortable with yourself and not afraid of her at the same time; it can be incredibly seductive and build attraction between you.

Not being able to hold someone’s gaze is a big problem for a lot of guys often making them come across as weak and easily dominated. The normal reaction of someone making eye contact with an attractive stranger of the opposite sex is to look away immediately, you feel like you’re creeping them out and at the same time your ashamed and embarrassed, you don’t want her to know that you find her attractive. Yet this is exactly what you should be doing, being able to hold this awkward gaze is a supreme sign of confidence, you’re not ashamed that you find her attractive and you’re not intimidated by her.

The problem with learning to have good eye contact is that the habit of looking away can be difficult to break. By the time you’ve made eye contact you automatically look away before you have time to think about what you’re doing. Your bodily reaction acts much faster than your conscious decision therefore by the time you’ve decided you want to hold someone’s gaze it is often to late.

The solution to this is simple. Give yourself reminders to practice your eye contact at specific periods during the day. By doing this you are prepared to hold someone’s gaze before it happens so you’re not caught off guard. At first you should try and extend it just a little longer than you would normally; as you get more experience the duration can increase. It’s best to try this is busy places, e.g. public transport, bars, shops. This can also be done on men as the skill is transferable and having good eye contact with men is also of great benefit. A word of warning though some men will read this as a sign of aggression. It is also important not to stare, once they have broken eye contact you should look away.

If you keep this skill going you’ll find that it will have a dramatic effect on the way women perceive you, you’re much less likely to be seen as a friend rather as a potential mate. Lastly eye contact can be a great way to assess interest, if you catch and hold a woman’s gaze then there is a good sign that she is interested (note this is not a definite sign and interested does not mean she wants to sleep with you),not only this but using strong eye contact can arouse interest and attraction.

So start practicing your eye contact today it’s an area in which so many people lack and that improving can positively affect your life in so many ways.