The Jars Put Fun Back in My Life

The Jars Put Fun Back in My Life

You may be asking how some “jars” put fun back in my life, and it would be a valid question so let me explain. If you’re not familiar with “The Jars” as a system to increase Net Worth and get you organized to manage your money like the rich do, here it is. T. Harv Eker founded Peak Potentials and has free weekend seminars called the Millionaire Mind Intensive which is a blast. In the seminar they teach you a very simple system of paying yourself first and building your Golden Goose so you can retire early and save for continuing education, charity, necessities, and long term goals such as children’s college, a new car, boat, exotic vacation, or second home, but none is more important I believe than the PLAY jar.

Do You have a Play Jar? Let me ask you a few questions at this point; When was the last time you just “blew” $200 on a day at the spa? Or Have you ever passed up a sporting event because you “just didn’t believe you had the money”? Have you ever rented a Yacht for a day, a Ferrari, taken ALL your girlfriends (for the women) on a shopping spree? My guess is that not many of us can say yes to any of those questions! Why? Don’t you deserve to treat yourself well. You are the one who just traded all those hours for those dollars, shouldn’t you enjoy some of it? Of course you should! But we don’t, at least I didn’t until I started using The Jars. The PLAY jar is designed to have you put 10% of what you make each paycheck into an account that is specifically set aside for you to indulge yourself. “Blowing” that money is what you are SUPPOSED to do every month, buy something you normally wouldn’t, take a Limo out for dinner instead of driving, eat at a restaurant that has No dollar amounts on it. You see we work and work and work and yet DON’T even reward ourselves for doing so. Well who taught us that???

Fire them, it just ain’t so. As I’ve recently started The Jars system, I decided to go to a Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban concert here in Wichita that I was going to pass up for some unknown reason. But finally decided that “I” was worth it and that I didn’t want to live regretting not going like I had several times in the past. Regret is one of the worst feelings in the world, I DON’T recommend it and with The Jars system, you don’t have to anymore. A few examples that I kick myself for even all these years later.

Wimbledon I was in Scotland from mid June to mid July 1978, now that may not mean anything to you UNLESS you’re a tennis fan like I am. During that time period is the Wimbledon Championships and I was only about 150 miles from them and DIDN’T go. To this day I still don’t understand why I didn’t.

US Tennis Open A few years later I was in New York during the month of September, which happens to be when the U.S. Open Tennis Championships are, was only a subway ride away from one of the biggest tennis events of the year, but didn’t go. Don’t have a clue why!

World Trade Center In the summer of 1977, was in New York looking at the just finished World Trade Center and debating with myself whether to spend the $1.70 to take the elevator ride to the Observation Deck on the 110th floor, that time I “splurged” and after what happened on 9/11 am so glad I got to experience it. One of the biggest problems in marriage is the finances. One may be a spender, the other a saver/hoarder.

The Fighting Stops NOW Have you ever FOUGHT with your significant other over blowing money on something you really enjoyed or over them “wasting” money? Well, with The Jars system, each of you can have your OWN Play Jar which by design allows you to spend, blow, waste, or treat yourself however you want WITHOUT the other passing judgment or dictating how its to be “Played” with. This ONE jar will set you free to really enjoy and reward yourselves for the hard work you’ve put in.

You DO Deserve it! Your biggest stumbling block is that you won’t think you deserve it. Well let me straighten that out right now! If your busting your backside trading hours for dollars, you darn well deserve it! Okay? Repeat after me: I deserve it! Now isn’t that better? Of course it is, so just as Nike strongly recommends: Just Do It.