The Madness Chronicles – Episode 40

The Madness Chronicles – Episode 40

In our 40th episode of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll look at the madness of what is being done to our children. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a form of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at the madness being wreaked upon our children.

In Oakland, California, a school teacher assigned students to write letters to the Oakland police department, demanding they stop racial profiling. For a math class. In another school, first-grade teachers are reading a book called ‘A is for Activist.’ It teaches them ‘F’ is for feminist, ‘T’ is for trans, and ‘X’ is for Malcolm X.”

In Illinois principal invited a BLM activist who celebrated the execution-style killings of Chicago police to speak at career day. That is madness personified.

In Florida, a middle school physical education teacher lost his job for refusing to enter a boys locker room where a minor was undressing. According to the administration, he was disrespectful of the student, a girl, who self-identified as a boy. The administration is indeed suffering in the least of too foolish behavior.

The Mother of a child in the Wake County Public School system in North Carolina recently went to Twitter to express her outrage. The school announced that the term ‘grandfathering’ will no longer be permitted to be used because of the word’s racist background. When confronted, a Board member explained the name is just not ‘inclusive.’ Now, that seems a bit loony.

While these are incredible examples of what schools are doing to children in 2020, wait until you see what else is going on. A five-year-old kindergartner returned from spring break with a freshly cut and spiked Mohawk hair cut. He was immediately sent home for violating the schools’ dress code. Really? He couldn’t return until Mom shaved it off.

A 6-year-old Colorado boy was suspended from school to take a girl’s hand in his class and kiss it. The school accused him of sexual harassment and suspended him. After a public outcry, they later removed the sexual harassment classification on the boy’s record. Excuse me, but who does that?

In Maryland, a 7-year-old boy received a two-day suspension from school. His crime? At lunch, he chewed a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun. The school’s zero-tolerance policy on guns appears pretty strict. I guess they dodged a Pop-Tart bullet on that one.

A 10-year-old Ohio boy was suspended for three days for pointing his finger like a gun at another boy during recess. Umm? The Principal told the boy’s father that he will receive a longer suspension up to and including expulsion if it happened again. It is hard to imagine these people feed themselves, let alone graduated from college.

Back to Colorado, where madness is the order of the day, a third-grader was suspended for violating the school dress code. What dastardly deed did she do? She shaved her head to support a cancer-stricken classmate who’d lost all her hair.

And we go to Pennsylvania for the most egregious example of school suspensions. An 18-year-old high school senior, during a question and answer session in the school auditorium, really screwed up. The Q & A session was with Miss America, and he stood up and asked the pretty lady if she would go with him to prom. For that, the Principal suspended him for three days because he planned it in advance.

We have not only turned our schools into transmission belts for Marxism. We have turned them over to madness. What message are we sending with these petty tyrants masquerading as administrators suspend our kids for being kids? Our education system is working hard to achieve new lows in this country.

May we wake from this madness before it’s too late. I wish you good health, and until next time, have fun, enjoy life, and watch out for the madness amongst us. It’s 2020, look around; it’s outrageous.