The Millionaire’s Mindset and Why Financial Success Should Be Important

The Millionaire’s Mindset and Why Financial Success Should Be Important

Who are these millionaire chaps and how do they become so darned rich? They must be different from us ordinary types, surely.

Perhaps they’re aliens? Or aliens have implanted special minds into them. They must all have had superb educations. All gone to college and come out with degrees as long as your arm.

Either that, or it’s all daddy’s money. Don’t you agree? Well, don’t you?

Well no, I’m afraid I don’t. You see, the truth is that they’re no different from us ordinary chaps. Richer, yes, but their bodily functions are no different than our’s, and they still put on their trousers in much the same way as we do. If they’re ladies, they still hoik their knickers up when the elastic binds – in private, of course!

As a matter of fact, Sir Richard Branson’ s dyslexic, did you know that? Yes, he has a bit of trouble with the old spelling and word order, at least on paper. And mistakes? Whoppers! Look at Bill Gates and his misreading of the future of the Internet.

There is one difference here, of course. Sir Richard hasn’t allowed his dyslexia to get in his way, and Bill Gates learned from his mistake without whining about it. Having made the boo-boo, he ploughed forward.

See, that’s the difference between them and us. They don’t allow anything or anybody to block their paths. How do they do this? Well, for one thing, they don’t allow the ‘N’ word anywhere near them. That’s negativity we’re talking about.

In the world of their minds, nothing’s impossible. You and I tend to think of some marvellous idea of how to make money – and then immediately start to think of the complications. And thoughts like, ‘Oh, it’s a good idea, but someone’s already thought of it.’ That sort of thinking doesn’t even enter their heads.

No. One of the things is to have an unshakeable belief in yourself and an unstoppable work ethic. Let’s take Internet marketing. Obviously, if you know nothing at all about how to use a computer, then that’s the first thing you need to learn.

Having the rudiments of copying and pasting and a few other little tricks under your belt, you must then learn about how to market online. There are many ways of doing this. The first trick is to find the way that suits you best.

There are E-books without number out there, telling you how to do all sorts of things. It’s very important, though, to find a method or two that suit you. That you like, that you feel comfortable using. Study these methods, but remember you’re not a follower. You’re learning the ins and outs, but you’re your own man or woman.

Eventually, you’ll latch onto a method you really like. When this happens, run with it and don’t be distracted by all the other get rich quick schemes with which the Internet is littered. Failure isn’t an option, so simply forget the word.

Anything negative must be culled completely from your mind.

You’ll find you’ll make a few good friends on the ‘Net. I have. These people are highly successful, and they’re the ones you must follow. Share experiences with them and learn from them, but don’t copy them slavishly.

The importance of financial success is twofold. Firstly, you owe it to yourself and your family. You aren’t the only one who suffers if you’re poor.

The second reason is that with money you’re in a position to help others. You can give to various charities. You can afford to go around the country telling others of your success and how they, too, may achieve the same results.

Some see success as a sin. Look a little closer and you’ll notice they’re the ones who have nothing, simply because they haven’t tried