The Most Powerful Stun Guns Disable Quicker

The Most Powerful Stun Guns Disable Quicker

When we started in this business approximately 8 years ago a 1,000,000 volt stun gun was considered the most powerful at the time, and not too long before that 500,000 volts was considered the top dog.

You can still find stun tools that are 100,000 or 200,000 or even 500,000 volts in power, but they are few and far between. They do the job no question about it, but today 1,000,000 volts is closer to the minimum that you will see.

There have been great advances in technology. The biggest of which is rechargeable technology. Back in the day all of them were battery operated so you needed space to put the batteries. That made them bulky and big. A 500,000 volt stun gun that was battery operated had to be close to 8 inches in length-more than a little unwieldy. But rechargeable technology has changed all that. No batteries are needed.

With crime seemingly always on the increase, women especially have turned to non-lethal self-defense products such as stun guns. Powerful stun guns and high-voltage stun guns are an ever increasingly popular choice for personal security and female self-defense.

Stun devices have been around since the late 1930’s and have a successful track record in female self-defense and personal security.

They work by applying them to an assailant’s body and injecting the muscular system with an electrical charge that comes from the prongs on the end of the device. The initial shock causes a loss of muscle control and balance. It also causes confusion and disorientation which is disruptive to the assailant’s behavior.

The electricity causes the muscles to work extremely rapidly, which depletes the body of sugars that are needed for energy. The assailant has no gas left in his tank, so to speak. The effects last as long as 10 minutes.

For anyone who has heard or seen a stun device they know that the electrical charge on the end produces a sight and sound show that is quite intimidating with the electrical arcs sparking and the sound of the electricity crackling. We always recommend that you show a stun gun that is in the on position to an assailant first to give him an idea what he’s in for.

The most powerful stun guns these days are high-voltage devices that work more rapidly than their predecessors. And that is important because when you’re in an assault situation 2 to 3 seconds can be an eternity.