The Nuke!

The Nuke!

Sometimes, I feel this way: Let us blow everything up and start over in some other universe. Nuclear explosion? All-encompassing biological weapon? Whatever most destructive we can do? Well, I did not say I am this way, though. I just meant sometimes I get so frustrated that I feel this way. Now to the body of the article: My real leanings are this at a very deep level though: I just want to live in a world that genuinely makes sense all of the time. That is all. Where survival depends on how honest and earnest you are, not how you can cut throats and manipulate your way through with the most guile and “sneak” if you get what I mean.

What I mean by guile and “sneak” is this: You know the used car salesman who gets rich dishonestly by selling the best marketed “useless widget” on television even if it was a book by Don LaPre or Tom Vu. Even the politicians are like that (especially the politicians) with their “vote for me, and I will set you free, lower your taxes, give you money and get everything genuinely done”, “I promise” type stuff. If you are reading this article the way I intended, and fully understanding what I mean, then you are getting what I meant in the first paragraph as a feeling, a joke, and lastly, a metaphor. Indeed, irrational people are after power anyhow, the power to wield the ultimate weapon if rational people do not fear them and obey them totally, and note, I put the word “fear” first, because is that not what all destructive and bullying people want more than anything, people to fear and obey them in a god-like way? Yes.

Now, I am not going to pull a televangelist Benny Hinn “say amen with me now” type thing, but, the reality is in my view that if we want a rational world, we have to earn it from the ground up, it is not a given really. So, again, I say the Mark Spitz 1972 quote: If you want to win, you have to train. Same with a rational society and its habits. The irrational looks so easy, fun and exciting at times, that we have to train ourselves to want the boring rational, like kids wanting candy over vegetables although the vegetables are better for them. I admit, as a kid, I was guilty of feeling that way myself although I cooperated with my parents wish through training myself to want what is good for me over what is bad. Do you want the Post company Shredded Wheat cereal or the Post company Fruity Pebbles Flintstones cereal? I ate the Shredded Wheat, but I admit when I ate that “good hay that was better for me” but tasted like wheat grass, I wanted the bad fruity pebbles until I felt better the next day, used the bathroom without the results coming out strange and had more energy. At this point, I can give and take rationally and I understand, but my problem is more people have to want what is good for them, that is all. No nukes! Naturally good food instead.