The Paradise of Forgiveness

The Paradise of Forgiveness

There is still a paradise that exists in this world we live despite all the misplacements that are associated with it. This is known as forgiveness. The best way we can live fine in this life, since we cannot avoid people getting on our nerves is to cultivate the habit that forgives. Forgive and let it go, no matter how hard or difficult it seems. Forgiveness is the only key that unlocks door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. Hate in particular has been the bane, the major reason people will not forgive one another.

He who hates people can be compared to someone who burnt down his own house in search of a rat. If we are all conscious of the fact that human beings will err, then forgiveness should not be far fetched. The bitter truth is that he who cannot forgive others break the bridge over which he himself must pass. This implies that it is highly recommended we learn to forgive one another because it will eventually affect the way we live. The moment you nurse those useless grudges, from a bad man’s injustice; you suffer unconsciously. The best thing to do is forgive him and let it go, lest there will be two bad men.

Only few people understand the misery of forgiveness because it is a characteristic of the strong not the faint. The feeble does not know and cannot fathom this. When you learn to forgive, you have access to life in a paradise for the rest of your life most especially when you make it a way of life. Tell me why would you unnecessarily add to your burden simply because you cannot forgive someone that wronged you? Let your heart be big enough, but not for keeping grudges; this is because you will eventually become more hurt in the long run.

I will advise you lead a free life that is rooted in clear conscience. If you allow your conscience to control you, then you may not find it very hard to forgive others. The paradise of forgiveness is for the brave and not the coward, because only the brave know how to forgive a coward never forgives because it is not his nature. The good news is that there are still spaces in this paradise for you! It is such a place where nobody can take the place of others; only that you have to work towards getting there. Finally, we must understand that only those who forgive shall be forgiven!